By Davystate
United Kingdom
Hi , can anyone identify these for me , thankyou.

12 Jul, 2017
Hi, have a look at Euphorbia myrsinites, I agree a weed, Derek.
12 Jul, 2017
Looks like petty spurge, Euphorbia peplus, also sometimes called milkweed. The sap is toxic, like most Euphorbias.
12 Jul, 2017
I agree with Euphorbia peplus, a pesky weed!
12 Jul, 2017
When you pull it up take care not to get any of the white milky sap in our eye - easily done if you rub your face without thinking.
12 Jul, 2017
It's a weed, I don't know what its called, I always think of it as milkweed because it produces white sap, but I've spent years weeding these out in various gardens.
12 Jul, 2017