What plant is this?
By Bsolxiv
United Kingdom
Any idea what this may be? I saw it in France and really liked it.

14 Aug, 2008
That's a Cistus - probably from the markings, a 'Cistus corbariensis'. I've got one in my garden and I like it too! P.S. Madabout got there first with an answer for you: I am not familiar with 'Alan Fradd' but you'll have to look the two Cistuses up and decide which it is!
14 Aug, 2008
I think it's more likely to be cistus x cyprius. C.corbariensis flowers do not have the dark red blotches
14 Aug, 2008
Just shows what my memory's like, Andrew! I really do have C.corbariensis and remembered it as having blotches! Oh dear. Another senior moment.... :-(
14 Aug, 2008
looks like a rock rose to me ,latin name Cistus x purpureus Alan Fradd. They are readily available here in Britain too...
14 Aug, 2008