By Marycat
United Kingdom
can anyone tell us why our runner beans planted in grow bags from a major d i y store have been abyismal? others in soil and manure have been a little better. they appear to be stunted with wizend curly leaves
20 Jul, 2017
Yup, so far as I know you can't grow runner beans, or other legumes in a grow-bag...
20 Jul, 2017
In my opinion the only beans suitable for growbags would be Dwarf French Beans.
21 Jul, 2017
Was the manure you used for the ones grown in the ground properly rotted?
21 Jul, 2017
Runner beans like a nice, rich, deep root run, preferably in an area that's been trenched and lots of composted manure or good garden compost added, then backfilled with the soil prior to planting. Obviously, growbags are shallow...
20 Jul, 2017