United Kingdom
can I use tomato food on bamboo plants
- 20 Aug, 2010
I use tomatoe food on plants that I want to flower and on potted bulbs to give them more energy for the next year. I would suggest a high nitrogen feed for bamboo plants.
20 Aug, 2010
I have always used lawn food on mine. Bit of a nuisance that it only comes in big bags, though!
20 Aug, 2010
If they're in pots, they always appreciate a nitrogenous feed in the growing season, and plenty of water, but in the ground, a spring mulch and that should be all they want. I've often wished for something to curb their growth! Put in Phyllostachys aurea for my mum, by her pond, and it's slowly (or not so slowly) moving away from the pond, and across her lawn, fifteen robust new shoots so far this year! The mower's getting tested!
Phil J
20 Aug, 2010
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Absolutely not - tomato food is high in potash to promote flowering, and correspondingly low in nitrogen. Since the last thing you want is your bamboo to flower (it'll die when it does) this is the worst thing you could use.
20 Aug, 2010