By Ladykay
United Kingdom
I've got 6 cleomes to fill in gaps in a border: I've left them in their pots for too long and now they're starting to flower at only 15 inches tall! I really needed them tall and they should reach 3 -4 feet. Any sugggestions? am I stuck with little stumpy plants or will they catch up if I plant them? should I cut the flowers off first?
23 Jul, 2017
Yep, your best bet now is to cut off the flowers, Plant them out, and give them a couple of mild doses of fish emulsion, with a pinch of Epsom salts dissolved in.
24 Jul, 2017
Thank you Tugbrethil, I'll do that. My alternative action was to accept them as small plants this year and stick them at the front somewhere.
25 Jul, 2017
Right now it is a race with the frost, and if they win, they still may not be normal sized, but they should get taller than they are now.
26 Jul, 2017
You've got nothing to lose by planting them as they won't get tall where they are.
23 Jul, 2017