By Phloxie
United Kingdom
Have any Rose lovers on GOY tried Uncle Toms rose tonic on their roses with good results.
29 Jul, 2017
Without looking up this sounds to me like one of those 'quack' remedies you read about...
29 Jul, 2017
Thanks for your comments Bamboo and Mg I will stick to my usual feeding regime.
30 Jul, 2017
Nope, never heard of it, but I just looked it up - it claims to keep roses disease free, but I'm mystified as to how its supposed to do that, it has no ingredients that will treat, either preventatively or therapeutically, rose diseases like black spot, mildews and the like. Its basically a foliar spray feed containing potassium phosphonate which should be applied every 7-10 days, and from the warnings on the label, preferably while you're wearing gloves, safety goggles and a breathing mask, since its an eye, mouth, throat and skin irritant.
Maybe someone else has used it to good effect, see what others say, but I always recommend Toprose granular rose fertilizer - two applications in April and early June, lightly turned in at the base of the roses, keeps 'em fed with everything they need all season. But you'll still need to spray regularly with something like Roseclear Ultra to keep off aphids and prevent/treat mildew and black spot, whichever product you use.
29 Jul, 2017