By Cbee
United Kingdom
do i cut back iris after flowering or allow the seed pod to grow?
15 Aug, 2017
I agree with Bulb. However, if you have 'rebloomers' I would clean them up for the second flush of blooms.
15 Aug, 2017
some iris are grown for their seed heads/pods eg I.foetidissima
I often leave them to gather frost too Bulba.
15 Aug, 2017
Even if it isn't a rebloomer, next year's crop of flowers will be heavier if seeds aren't allowed to form.
15 Aug, 2017
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A 'tidy' gardener would often cut off the old stem. On the other hand the brown stem and seed pod can look quite attractive through the winter, especially for the taller Siberian irises.
15 Aug, 2017