By Colter
United Kingdom
Any suggestions for evergrèen trees next door has now got planning for 23 houses which will run the entire length of my garden, hence no privacy at all planning are stipulating natural hedging as boundary lines which is not evergreen, at present there is laurel which they are talking about removing
18 Aug, 2017
I can't see why you can't plant whatever you like if it's on your own property and not a conservation area. You need evergreens for you privacy and Thuja Plicata would be fast-growing and make a neat hedge. As suggested on the other question by Bamboo, Taxus Baccata would be even better if you have time. If the council or whoever in involved then I would try Cotoneaster Conubia is a semi-evergreen.
18 Aug, 2017
Just had another thought - have a look at Lonicera nitida.
It isn't a native but they might not notice.Eminently clippable and will grow reasonably tall if you let it. Very compact with evergreen tiny leaves. Holly is native but fairly slow growing initially and horrible to clear up after pruning...
19 Aug, 2017
Is this laurel on your land or your neighbour's?
18 Aug, 2017