By Windy64
United Kingdom
Hello Everybody hope your all well, im curious to know if anybody knows if there is a connection between Crows foot and flies, I have it at the front of my house and there seems to be a lot of flies attracted to it for some reason so I was wondering if anybody knows or has seen/heard of it before. ...many thanks Windy.
1 Sep, 2017
I don't have this plant, but I know certain plants will emit certain odors to attract very certain pollinators. The obvious one is The Corpse Flower That's what it smells like; and let's not forget Dead Horse Arum Lily, Eastern Skunk Cabbage, Shasta Daisies smell like cat pee, Crown Imperial - rotten eggs, Globe thistle - cat poo, Only specific flies are capable of successfully pollinating these plants. The Moon flower blooms at night to attract a certain moth because only it can pollinate its flowers. It's all about certain vices employed by plants to ensure survival of the species. The short answer to your question is yes, I believe there is.
2 Sep, 2017
Most crowfoots have yellow flowers and flies are often attracted to yellow. I used to have some light yellow sheets and they always had flies on them when I hung them out. It might be as simple as that.
2 Sep, 2017
That's true Stera. Those paper fly traps are often yellow too.
2 Sep, 2017
Yellow flowers is right but always appear in Feb/march then pretty much foliage until the first frosts, its not a problem for me I've checked to see if something crawled in and died but no, I just wondered if anybody had seen or heard of it happening before, I shall investigate further, thank you everyone lots of food for thought. ;-)
2 Sep, 2017
Windy64, we still have no idea what plant you are talking about. Crowfoot, the buttercup family plant, is a water plant. Not much flowers in Feb/March, could you possibly mean Coltsfoot?
3 Sep, 2017
Well you can't mistake coltsfoot leaves , they are huge., Can't imagine a front garden full of those can you?
Windy64 we really do need a photo, even though you can only show the leaves at present.
3 Sep, 2017
Previous question
« Whazzit?! Out for appies last evening and came across this beauty!
When you say crows foot, do you mean one of the Ranunculus family (buttercup) or Diphasiastrum, a club moss? Or some other plant? Photo would be useful if possible.
2 Sep, 2017