By Booby
United Kingdom
grow potatoes every year and there have little slugs inside nearly every one what can i do to stop this
22 Aug, 2010
Are these called 'keel slugs', MG?
23 Aug, 2010
Yes huge brutes and it is their babies that chomp through the potatoes.
23 Aug, 2010
Thanks. In the days when I grew tatties, we got those too. What a waste of a crop that was! Our garden wasn't suitable for veggies, as it had tall trees all round. The haulms went up and up, flopped over and started going up again! LOL.
23 Aug, 2010
Potatoes in particular grow best in full sun.
23 Aug, 2010
I know that now, MG, but I didn't then! Just thought it might amuse you. LOL.
We did actually grow all our own veggies for a few years way back.......:-)
23 Aug, 2010
I wish we could grow 'all' our veggies but would need rather more land than we have... And more time too.
23 Aug, 2010
Too true! :-(
23 Aug, 2010
Ho Booby are you rotating your crop, i.e. not growing potatoes on the same piece of ground each year?
22 Aug, 2010