By Gfl
United Kingdom
Does Jasminum Beesianum flower on last year's wood? We moved into a new house. A vigorous climber, which looks like a jasmine, had been neglected and was scrambling, out of control, up a trellis. I hacked it back in about February. It has made a lot of green growth. One tiny pink bud appeared but nothing else. Should I leave it alone to see if it flowers next spring/summer on the growth it has made this year?
On plant
Jasminum beesianum
8 Sep, 2017
The description seems to indicate that it can bloom on new wood, but the first year after a heavy pruning flower formation can be inhibited in many plants. I wouldn't prune this year, if at all possible, and maybe apply some washed seaweed to stimulate more flowers next year.
9 Sep, 2017