By Vickii99
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
I intended to dig up my rhubarb in October/November but I'm having some work done in the garden now and I have to dig up the rhubarb early than planned. Will it be ok to take up now and if so, how do I store it until next spring? Many thanks. x
10 Sep, 2017
Thanks, Steragram.
10 Sep, 2017
I had to do that some years ago and found it to be as tough as old boots, survived for months in an old bath tub.
10 Sep, 2017
So Vicki - time to buy an new bathroom suite, lol?
11 Sep, 2017
Well if you really have to dig it up now you haven't got an option.
If you can't replant it until next spring I'd pot it up into the biggest container(s) you have. If it survives don't pull any stalks for the first year after replanting. If it has a lot of good stalks at present use up the best of them first.
10 Sep, 2017