By Phil123000
United Kingdom
Hi, I have a low box hedge bordering my small front garden which has taken a fair few years to get to get going and it now is reaching the size I want and looking good.
I noticed a small patch of brown leaves a few inches square on the side of the hedge which is contained to one branch which I have cut out (pictured).
I wondered if it is the start of box blight as the back of some of the leaves have dark on spots and powdery residue on (spores?). I can't see it anywhere else in the hedge yet, I've looked at various pictures of it online and would value the opinion of anyone who has experienced this first hand.
No one else in the neighbourhood has Box and I've been growing further plants over the years from my own cuttings to avoid bringing blight in from nursery plants but I imagine these things can travel other ways or on other plants?
I'm guessing there is not really much I can do if so and will have to wait and see if it spreads and then take it all out and try something else instead.
- 10 Sep, 2017
As you suggest, I think I would wait. It could be something simple as a cat or fox marking out its territory or just a damaged branch. I would have thought that if it was box blight it would have appeared in several places in patches which isn't the case. Also, don't forget that even evergreens will shed leaves.
12 Sep, 2017