By Hywel
Can anyone identify this plant please.

11 Sep, 2017
Thank you. I wondered if it was, but I have only seen them with elongated stems.
11 Sep, 2017
Looks like the one on the left has been knocked and partially uprooted though, Hywel...
11 Sep, 2017
Yes, they were reduced in Wilko to £1 and had been handled a bit roughly by customers I think. I will repot them :)
11 Sep, 2017
Good price, certainly a bargain!
11 Sep, 2017
Thank you :)
13 Sep, 2017
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« I feel like I'm doing nothing in my garden and after the on-slaught of jobs I...
I think its Beaucarnea recurvata, the Ponytail Palm - its a houseplant in the UK, see here for image and info
11 Sep, 2017