United Kingdom
Can I cut back unruly climbing roses really hard as they are getting out of hand
13 Sep, 2017
We cut our Rambling Rector to the ground a few weeks ago because it had got unruly with the intention of getting the root out. I have now changed my mind as it has put up so very healthy shoots so I am going to tie them to the uprights on the pergola and wait and see if it produces any flowers in 2018. Keeping my fingers crossed.
15 Sep, 2017
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Depends on the way they are growing. On a trellis, arbor or wires or on a tree. I would wait for the leaves to drop so you can see the structure of the shrub. Then, I possible, bend some of the pliable stems to the horizontal to improve the flowering and prune out the unwanted ones.
13 Sep, 2017