By Melaniew
United Kingdom
I have a pink gerbera that has been extremely prolific, it still has 11 flowers on it, nut no more buds. It is in a pot on my patio. Do I take the whole plant in once it has finished flowering or wait till the leaves are dying back, and will it be best to keep it in the conservatory or in the shed? Thanks for any help!
7 Oct, 2017
Is it the species that is hardy? There are a few on the market. What does the plant label say? If it doesn't say it is fully hardy bring it into a light place, conservatory is ideal. Reduce watering and next year repot in fresh compost and when all frosts gone put back outside after hardening it off. You do this by putting it outside during the day and bringing it in at night for about 2 weeks.
welcome to GoY too. :o)
7 Oct, 2017
I would bring into the conservatory NOW as the frost will kill it ...
A light windowsill will be fine dont feed and just keep damp dont overwater you will rot the roots ...
7 Oct, 2017