By Lynneg
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
Lawns.My oh put Westlands weed,feed and re seed on our lawn
about 3/4 weeks ago and we now have more brown patches than actual lawn.Have raked out as much dead stuff as possible.Should we put more seed on now or wait until spring.Thanks.
17 Oct, 2017
Brown patches can also be caused by uneven spreading - too much in one spot do that. I remember it happening to us...
17 Oct, 2017
Thanks.At least if it snows it'll look the same as everyone else's!
17 Oct, 2017
Is it worth it? Can't help hoping it doesn't - sorry!
17 Oct, 2017
Did the same as Stera. Uneven spreading left brown patches. Tried a lawn spreader but found I let too much product fall when turning it round. Found the best method, if your lawn isn't too large is to map it out with canes and spread by hand but be a little mean with the product. Having said, I did have some success using a spray product but beware of the possible drift.
18 Oct, 2017
The product used also contained mosskiller - its entirely possible what's gone dark and dead are mossy areas rather than over application.
18 Oct, 2017
He did that with the canes-spent ages sectioning it off.Will just have to be patient and re-seed in the spring.
Thank you all who replied.
18 Oct, 2017
Need a bit of clarification as to the product used - was it Westland, Weed, Feed and Mosskiller?Or was it Westland autumn feed and mosskiller?
The former will prevent new seeds growing for up to six weeks after first being spread. The latter will deter new seeds for the next six months....I'm afraid fertilizer and weedkiller treatments need to be applied separately, with reseeding taking place at least six weeks after application, if you use granular products and not liquid formulations.
17 Oct, 2017