By Iain_p
United Kingdom
Hi, I’ve not been on the site for quite a while for various reasons but would like to ask a question regarding my Acer Atropurpureum tree.
I have it in a round container about 2ft dia x 18ins deep.
This time of year it is losing its foliage but I have noticed for the past few years some ends of the branches go white and die off. I cut these off but am curious to discover what is causing this and if I can do anything to improve the health of this Japanese Maple.
Trusting someone can come up with an answer.
Regards, Iain
18 Oct, 2017
Even in the ground small twigs of out Acers die off every year and we simply remove. How big is the one you have in the pot and is it feasible to plant in the ground?
18 Oct, 2017
Thank you for the comments regarding my Acer.
My first thoughts were, was it pot bound as the container is quite small.I think that I will take your advice and transfer it to a sheltered spot in my garden.
Is now the best time to transplant it?
21 Oct, 2017
Hi Iain yes you can go ahead and plant in the ground now, just make sure you don't put in a windy spot!
21 Oct, 2017
Previous question
If possible, take it out of the pot and plant it in the ground. The pot is too small and restrictive. Maples want to send out horizontal roots in all directions to suck all the water. It's most likely root bound. The health & vigor of the tree will eventually decline. If you cannot plant it, give it a new pot or tub that is about 3x the size with new compost. Trim off all the dead ends up top. Don't feed it at this time as they prepare for dormancy.
18 Oct, 2017