By Plonker49
United Kingdom
names of climbers with season long flowering
18 Oct, 2017
Well said Bamboo. Perhaps the questioner doesn't realise this is not just a google,as you did say.
18 Oct, 2017
IF you can get Lonicera sempervirens (Trumpet Honeysuckle) would be a good choice.
18 Oct, 2017
Some Modern Climbing Roses have very long bloom--February through December, here in the desert.
19 Oct, 2017
Your 'question' is somewhat curt; a please wouldn't have come amiss, as you're not asking Google but people who are members on here.
If you mean perennial climbers, the closest you'll get to 'season long' flowering is probably a Group 2 clematis such as The President or Bees Jubilee; these produce large flowers from spring to early summer, pause, and then produce smaller flowers summer through to autumn.
For a longer flowering period from around June through to autumn, annual climbers such as Mandevilla, Eccremocarpus scaber, Tropaeleum peregrinum.
18 Oct, 2017