United Kingdom
Hi. I recently bought a pot of three different kinds of bulbs. I potted them up and put them in my garden shed as per the instructions. I went into the shed this week and some of the bulbs have started shooting up. I hadn’t realised the gap in the door let in enough sunlight for the bulbs to sprout up. Should I leave them in the shed, put them outside or bring them indoors?
30 Oct, 2017
I'd also put them outside and hope for the best. but having said that many bulbs put their noses above ground now and then they perform fine in spring.
30 Oct, 2017
The good news - you still have time to get you some new tulip bulbs. There still should be plenty to choose from and maybe snag a bargain!
30 Oct, 2017
Yes,I got a half price bargain at Wilko's this week. One kilo of plain red and red and white tulip bulbs. Roughly counted about 24 to 30 bulbs for £2. As November is when I plant tulips, they are well within date. Now need to find more containers for patio.
30 Oct, 2017
Which bulbs did you buy?
30 Oct, 2017
they are reducing them in price to make more room for the Xmas stuff. I also pick up lots of reduced bulbs at this time of year too.
31 Oct, 2017
Thank you everyone for your comments. The bulbs I bought are Muscari, Crocus and Tulips.
31 Oct, 2017
I'm a bit puzzled as to why they're in the shed if that's what they are - they should be fine outdoors, in the open, in pots, unless we get an arctic winter and the pots are at a risk of freezing. I'd move 'em outdoors, into a sunny sheltered spot initially.
31 Oct, 2017
The kits that are sold in the States often have directions assuming that you are going to force them indoors in Michigan, so for pre-chilling and root development they tell you to keep them somewhere cold but not deeply frosty. It's probably hard to find a spot "indoors" that is cold enough to prevent growth in the milder parts of the UK. Here in the desert, I recommend keeping Daffodils for forcing in an open north exposure, for maximum chilling, before bringing them in to bloom. Tulips go in the fridge, here.
1 Nov, 2017
For me, I get them when all the 'prep' work has been done prior to purchase. So I just take them home, put them in bright/sunny location (the kitchen table or counter top) and watch them grow & bloom. But now is way too soon & busy! End of January I'd appreciate something like that more. I always have my African Violets in bloom all winter anyway.
1 Nov, 2017
If the temperatures are right, the bulbs will sprout even without light. From what I hear, the temps in the UK have been unseasonably high lately, but cold enough earlier to fool bulbs into thinking that winter has already happened. I would keep them in a cold greenhouse or coldframe now, though, or the lack of light will result in a lot of stringy, pale leaves and stems, and deformed flowers, if any.
30 Oct, 2017