By Kasugga
Tyne & Wear,
United Kingdom
Good morning everyone.
A new plant has been added to my collection. A Wisteria (Latin name unknown to me sorry). A friend and I bought two online and shared them. It’s only small, about 10” at the moment and still in its little pot but I’ve discovered the tiniest, weeniest, white worm things at the bottom. At a rough guess they’re about 1mm, but I haven’t let them live long enough to see what they mature into. Would anyone have a clue?
Can I post videos here?? If I can I’ll try to take one to show what they look like.
31 Oct, 2017
they sound like nematode worms. there are many different species and most are harmless to plants. they are soil dwelling and eat all sorts of things in the soil. I wouldn't worry about them. I' d plant it out as soon as possible unless you have already had frosts.
31 Oct, 2017
If grown in a greenhouse, they may also be fungus gnat larvae--harmless, but a nuisance indoors. If they have legs. they might be some of the smaller centipedes or millipedes. The former are primarily beneficial, eating other "bugs". The latter either eat decaying organic matter, or, rarely, plant roots--usually not enough to cause the plant distress.
1 Nov, 2017
Thanks for your help. Re the white wiggly things, a scientist friend said they could be nematodes but the poor wisteria seems to be suffering because of them. Leaves are falling off left right and centre.
Can I use anything to get rid of them or should I just wash all the compost off and replant?? Are they just in the compost or do they get into the plant itself??
11 Nov, 2017
If it is a true Wisteria, it should be going to sleep for the winter now, so the leaf loss could easily be natural. The nematodes that are harmful to plants are only visible under a microscope: no big time magnification needed, but beyond hand loupe powers. bigger nematodes are normally eating bacteria and fungi in the soil, and may be a symptom of over-watering.
11 Nov, 2017
Hi Kasugga, you can post photos nut not videos.
31 Oct, 2017