By Dawnsaunt
United Kingdom
Should I Re-Pot My Cuttings
My cuttings are in the coldframe and are ready for re-potting as roots are showing through the bottom of the pots, question is should I pot them on this Autumn or wait until spring. Thank you
5 Nov, 2017
yes I'd do them now too. I spent a day in the greenhouse on Thursday doing just that. water sparingly.
5 Nov, 2017
Thanks Bath, Sea. I will do them then, what a coincidence Seaburn, thank you.
5 Nov, 2017
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Can I move large ferns now although they haven't died down? »
Go ahead and pot them up now and make them happy. You don't want those protruding roots to freeze. There should be a half inch space between the root ball and the rim of the pot. Just yesterday I transplanted 4 different shrubs and planted some new Irises - same idea. However, I would hold off on fertilizer so they just wind down and go to sleep. Fertilize them in the Spring when they wake up.
5 Nov, 2017