By Essanian
United Kingdom
the name of this plant please.
the leaves are similar to an impations .The flowers are about the size and shape of a broad bean seed,yellow at the top and red for the bottom two thirds. they are tubular and end in a long tube which turna up to the top of the flower. The flowers grow from the main stems which are woody. It was given to me as a house plant.
7 Nov, 2017
Hi, welcome from me too, have a look at Impatiens niamniamensis 'Congo Cockatoo' it needs a minimum winter temperature of 59f, so could be classed as a house plant, Derek.
7 Nov, 2017
that's the one I was thinking of :o)
7 Nov, 2017
Hi Sbg, I had a feeling that's what you meant, ?? Derek.
8 Nov, 2017
welcome to GoY. It could be one of many. there is an impatiens called Parrot...... something but I cant remember.
could you add a photo to your question it would making an id much easier.
7 Nov, 2017