By Problem1
United Kingdom
The attached photograph shows that one of our two pyracanthas either side of our front door has died. The remaining one is alive and home to a blackbird and a wren, and will stay. However, what would you advise us to plant in its place to provide balance and colour? Many thanks. Diane Myers

17 Nov, 2017
If you are happy to have something that grows against the wall and will need attaching to the wall you could consider Cotoneaster horizontals, we have two on the front of the house and the fans of leaves and fruit are spectacular in autumn - birds like the berries too, even Wax Wings!
17 Nov, 2017
Vertigo vine? Oh wait, I'm getting vertigo from your upside down pics. :) Does the front get any sun? How much? I'm thinking a Euonymous or Holly but it depends on exposure. They are slow growing and virtually maintenance free. I have a pyracanthas and I wish it would dry up an disappear - I hate it.
17 Nov, 2017