By Pattyanna
United Kingdom
When is the best time to mulch my plants Autumn or Spring?
21 Nov, 2017
and also why you are mulching. if it is to prevent frost damage then low nutrient and 2-4" deep now. if its to improve the soil and provide nutrients then that is better down in spring so as the nutrients are released the plant can take up the nutrients.
21 Nov, 2017
Yesterday I just mulched my hydrangeas with garden compost so as to empty the bin. Now I can start refilling it with material that has been cut down and shredded.
21 Nov, 2017
What did I do with the mountain of fallen leaves I just raked up from my property? It's now mulch on my flower borders & raised vegetable beds. When spring rolls around, much of it will have broken down to compost & provide ample food & shelter for earthworms.
22 Nov, 2017
I daren't do that with our leaves as they are full of seeds which germinate wherever they land, so I compost them and spread in spring for soil improvement.
22 Nov, 2017
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In a way it depends on what you are mulching with. The old rule used to be Mulch with compost in Autumn to conserve the heat in the soil and mulch in Spring with manure to warm up the soil.
We have just been putting shreddings on our borders, as much as anything to reduce the number of bags lying round rather than any really good horticultural reason.
21 Nov, 2017