By Kentishman58
United Kingdom
Olive problem...
We have an Olive in a container in a sunny aspect. Just recently its leaves have started yellowing and some dropping off. Initially i though it may be due to wet roots but have checked and this doesnt seem to be the case. So im wondering if is nutrient deficiency - it is a bit pot bound but not completely. 2 photos attached. Any thoughts gratefully recieved. Thanks

23 Nov, 2017
It looks like magnesium deficiency. What do you usually feed it?
23 Nov, 2017
Thanks - yes i will repot but is that better to do in the Summer? The only feed it has is through occasional addition of compost as i thought Olives tolerate poor soil, If Magnesium is it best to apply Epsom salts?
23 Nov, 2017
A very small amount of Epsom salts, Kentishman. I would mix about a ml of Epsom salts in 4 liters of water, and water the plant with that. Remember that in a pot, a plant can't go out and find nutrients, so it may need more than many composts can provide for it, especially if hot weather necessitates extra watering. At the nursery that I work for, we have to feed the olives every 3 weeks, or they turn yellow and drop leaves. Of course, here in the desert, we have to give them a lot of water! ;)
24 Nov, 2017
Thats great info Tug! Thanks.
24 Nov, 2017
Thats great thanks i have dosed the patient with epsom salts
24 Nov, 2017
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« Can i put onion sets and garlic into freshly matured Ground?
The stems look very long and stragely. I suggest placing it in a pot a size larger and trimming it back about one quarter of its length (though I would chop it down by 1/2) to induce a fuller growth. It is important to place it back in the exact same place to avoid shock.
23 Nov, 2017