By Bryce
United Kingdom
My Phoenix Canariensis has brown tips at the end of their
Palm tips it's still a young plant is this a natural color or is there something wrong
8 Mar, 2018
Hi, welcome to GoY, Phoenix Canariensis, has become a popular palm in the U K over the last few years, people go on foreign holidays, see them all over the place, and decide that they want 1 in their own garden, and the garden centres are only too happy to oblige, [over and over again], all phoenix species are frost tender, and are unsuitable for UK gardens, unless you can guarantee you won't get any frost, ideally they should have a minimum winter temperature of 50-60f,
A more suitable palm would be Trachycarpus fortunii, which is at least frost hardy, which means they can withstand temperatures down to 23f, and as they get larger, they appear to get more hardy, [I have 1 in my garden, which has a 6ft trunk, and survived the very cold winters of 2010-2011 with no problems], common name is chusan palm, with fan shaped leaves, Derek.
8 Mar, 2018
Previous question
Hi, is it a houseplant or do you have it in the garden?
brown tips is often a sign of dryness [in conservatory/house plants]. If it is in the garden then it could be due to frosts.
welcome to GoY too :o)
8 Mar, 2018