By Joanairey
United Kingdom
My pots are well chitted and look as though they are ready to go into their containers. However, is this too soon?
I have also noted that one or two seem a bit shrivelled for some reason. Does this mean those ones are going to fail?
14 Mar, 2018
Thanks Steragram for the usual good advice! They are on a cool indoor window sill facing west. The 'eyes' have grown quite a bit but I think I will leave them where they are until the end of the month.
14 Mar, 2018
Just try to avoid them getting drawn through insufficient light if you can.
15 Mar, 2018
Thanks once more Steragram. They are on a west facing window sill behind net curtains so light should be no problem.
15 Mar, 2018
Depends to some extent where they have been grown up to now, so whether the shoots are hardened off. Potatoes accidentally left in the ground over the winter usually grow. Bags will be more susceptible to frost so again it depends what sort of position they are in. It would be safer to keep the chits in a cold place for a while until the weather gets milder. Shrivelled seed pots normally grow if they have started to grow shoots.
14 Mar, 2018