By Callie1914
United Kingdom
Is it too late or too cold to use nematodes for vine weevil,I have notches on quite a lot of my rhododendron leaves,sorry can't post photo computer playing up,thank you for any help.
6 Apr, 2018
I had some last year,but more this spring, it is in the border not a pot. Thank you Sbg.
6 Apr, 2018
I think the temperature has to be above
10 C. It would say on the box.
I bought two boxes yesterday and they were expensive !
6 Apr, 2018
Thank you Hywel,,I know they are expensive,I havn't bought them yet,trying to find out more about them first.It is still below 10c here apart from the odd day,thanks again.
6 Apr, 2018
Here too ... not spring-like at all.
6 Apr, 2018
The nematodes only kill the grubs not the adults. Been told that if there are no grubs where the nematodes are used then the nematodes just die.
Best way to deal with the adults is to go out with a torch and catch them on the plants. Careful they drop off and are then impossible to see on the soil.
7 Apr, 2018
Thank you Owdboggy,I have tried to spot them,but they must hear me coming.haha
7 Apr, 2018
The temperatures are just about warm enough now -- above 10C for most of the day, but check your soil temp. about 10cm down.
Most vine weevils are currently grubs and can be treated successfully. However, by now they have done their damage to the roots. Soon they will pupate and start emerging as adults, and the adults cause only cosmetic damage. But I would treat now as you will reduce the population of adults laying eggs in the summer, and another treatment in September will attend to those which get through.
Vine weevils walk everywhere so spread slowly, so if you can keep your own garden clear with the nematodes, newcomers appear only very slowly. A prophylactic yearly application is incredibly effective and so much better than using insecticides.
8 Apr, 2018
Thank you so much Buddlejager,I will test the soil,and do it now and in September,I have never had vine weevils,so this is all new to me.I don't want to use insecticides.
8 Apr, 2018
Is there a spray something like Provado that can be used to stop the beetle ?
9 Apr, 2018
its too cold at the moment to use nematodes. Are the notches new this spring? Or are they from last year?
6 Apr, 2018