By Phloxie
United Kingdom
Has anyone had success growing bulbs Lilium “Regale” and Lilium “Golden Splendour” in alkaline soil, or are these bulbs best grown in pots.
8 Apr, 2018
My soil is alkaline and I have grown regale for several years with success so not a problem. Not grown Golden slpendor so cant advise on that one.
8 Apr, 2018
Thank you Bulbaholic and Seaburngirl for your positive answers I will plant them in the soil.
8 Apr, 2018
I always put two generous handfuls of horticultural grit in the bottom of planting holes for lilies to ensure the bulbs don't sit in water during wet winters. Hope it has worked this year!
8 Apr, 2018
I grow Lilium regal successfully in my neutral soil. As I can't speak from experience about alkaline soils I looked it up on the web and several sources say that an alkaline soil is OK for it.
8 Apr, 2018