By Vivi
have some arum lilies in abbotsford bc canada how do i over winter them
10 Apr, 2018
Planting depth is extremely important in colder regions like Canada (Canada is coming into Spring but is still prone to periodic frosts). Arum lilies are only hardy up to zone 8. You'll have to dig yours up to overwinter, such as you would with dahlias and stored in a cool dark place until threat of frost has passed. If you have them in pots, move them to the garage or basement.
10 Apr, 2018
Hi, welcome to GoY, as said above, if you have a true Arum, of which there are 26 species, ranging from fully hardy to half hardy, [quite a few are frost hardy, down to 23f], so for best advice, we really need to know which species you have.
If you have 1 of the 8 species of Zantedeschia, the hardiest of them is Z aethiopica, which is hardy to 23f, the rest need a minimum winter temperature of round about 50f, [Z aethiopica 'crowborough' is a little hardier than the species, Derek.
10 Apr, 2018
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depends if you mean Arum eg Arum maculatum or the Zantedeschia types. the first type are fully hardy and wont need any help to overwinter. [isn't Canada coming into spring now?] The other type can be fully hardy depending on how cold it gets. Mine are kept in pots in an unheated greenhouse then when in leaf I put them into the margin of the pond. Some have them directly in the ground and get covered with a mulch to protect the corm.
see what others suggest.
welcome to GoY too :o)
10 Apr, 2018