By Railmad
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Venture into veg gardening in May, Planted some Radish's 27/7/10 along with other Salads. Came to harvest them this morn and was bitterly disappointed with the outcome (see photo ) . I have protected all veg with Frame and Net, could anyone advise where i have gone wrong please.

27 Aug, 2010
Will i need to protect my lettuce, carrots, and peas against slug?
27 Aug, 2010
You will certainly need to protect your lettuce, they are not so keen on carrots or peas and if they do eat the pea leaves it isn't a real problem.
27 Aug, 2010
Thanks all
28 Aug, 2010
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That looks like slug, or similar, damage, Railmad.
27 Aug, 2010