United Kingdom
Is there anybody out there that would recommend planting romneya coulteri in any way... If you read the garden question and see the frightening photos from 2017 this tender thug gets completely out of control along Japanese knotweed lines so what do i do with my £9.50 recent purchase from losley park plant fair by a kindly unassuming gentleman maybe i should present it to someone i don't really care for....
6 May, 2018
well I have tried to grow this and it wont 'take' in my garden.
Plant it in a very large plant pot to restrict the roots and sink the pot in the ground if you want it in the ground. It certainly isn't as bad a thug as knotweed.
6 May, 2018
The problem I think is that it's quite often suggested that it should be grown against a south facing wall being a bit tender in winter it creeps in to your house via the foundations to keep warm especially if you have suspended floors. When I typed in Romney's into GOY I found the devastating photos from 2017 old post and the photos are pretty devastating with the plant reaching the ceiling of a bedroom with all its roots embedded in the plastered wall. I'm not prone to wild suggestions but I was going to plant mine in a very similar place not thinking about what consequences might be but one thing intrigues me is why didnt they do anything about it until it hot that bad? ..And yes it's true that Wisley grow it but in a formal large border away from anything and seeing as it can be tender why is it so difficult to get rid of you would think a dug up tender proot system would not come back but it can be a devil to get rid of....Thanks for the suggestions but the jury is still out for me on weather I plant it alone somewhere or not
7 May, 2018
I had this plant for years Californian Tree Poppy before the winter of 2012 killed it off , depending where you grow it does "run" but amazing plant and I would not agree its like "knotweed" ..... plant in a big pot and that rules that out spreading about if you are that worried plus £9.50 is bargain.
Best in a warm, sunny sheltered position
6 May, 2018