By Slimdil
United Kingdom
Identification please.
This seems to be appearing all through one of the borders. Anyone identify it please? Weed?

7 May, 2018
Agree. Its a real thug - don't let it flower!
7 May, 2018
Yes it does look like RB willowherb to me too. Dig it out as soon as you can.
7 May, 2018
Into battle in the morning then! Thanks for that.
7 May, 2018
Yes agree can be very invasive if allowed, for me it is a beautiful wild flower I just love it.
7 May, 2018
Previous question
Looks like Rosebay Willow Herb, one of the 'nasties' in the garden. It spreads by seed and underground rhizomes which you will have to carefully dig up.
7 May, 2018