By Greenelbows
United Kingdom
I planted a Gunnera Manicata out once the weather was fine. It was happy and healthy. Now each leaf has wilted and flopped. It is in good wet soil and leaf mould but looks in a dire state.
Any help appreciated. Thanks. Mary
9 May, 2018
I'd also ask did you tease out or damage the roots when you planted it. is it at the same depth as in the pot or deeper?
sorry about the questions but that is the best way to help you. could you add a photo?
welcome to GoY too :o)
9 May, 2018
Thanks, Bamboo. The Gunnera was bought online as a Christmas present. I put it in a cold greenhouse in a very big pot as a temporary measure ,well covered with fleece on top. It started to grow and several leaves unfolded. it was planted out during warm weather a few weeks ago and looked very well, putting up new leaves. I live on the Berkshire/Oxfordshire border.
Thank you.
The roots were growing and were not damaged in any way. It is planted at exactly the same depth. After planting it was protected at night with fleece for a while. I can try to get someone to take a photo.
11 May, 2018
Hi, if you didn't harden it off before planting, but just went from a greenhouse to outside, it wouldn't be prepared for the cold weather which followed the warm spell, it may not be dead, I would leave it for a while, and see if any new growth starts to appear, Derek.
11 May, 2018
Previous question
Need to ask some questions - where did you buy the plant, and was it under cover or completely exposed outdoors when you got it? Precisely when did you plant it and what part of the UK are you in? If it was under cover or indoors when you bought it, did you harden it off prior to planting?
9 May, 2018