By Kev
United Kingdom
hi not exactly gardening question but about the site can anyone understand why there are no photographs on my home page or on garden pictures or anywhere please
27 Aug, 2010
hi bamboo dont know everything ok here just no pictures i wanted tosee what people were upto photo,s etc but nothing i,ll try logging on again thanks l.o.l
27 Aug, 2010
I went to your homepage Kev, then clicked on "photos" a little way under your avatar and, as Bamboo says, there are plenty of your photos. Have another go - look for a green box saying "photos"
27 Aug, 2010
I had this problem just yesterday. It turned out that my web browser was set to not automatically upload photos. Seems to have happened during a set of updates from Firefox, but I'm not certain of that.
27 Aug, 2010
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« We have grown several small proteas, with what should we feed them?
Kev, I've just checked by going to your profile page - you have a whole gallery of photographs there. Have you not signed in properly or something?
27 Aug, 2010