By Casso
United Kingdom
I have so many tomatoes on my plants in tubs,most of them still green. Some of the stems are looking black and slimy so I have taken all the tomatoes off (some of the red ones had also gone sort of slimy) and cut all the stems back. The compost seems to have a lot earwigs in. Are the tomatoes still safe to eat? If I put the green ones in a bag and put them in the airing cupboard will they ripen?
28 Aug, 2010
There was a report not so long ago that blight spores could be eliminated from the fruit by heating them to a relatively high temperature (40C) for several hours, and then ripening them after that. Otherwise the blight will just overtake the fruit as you ripen them in the warm. You might be able to get to that temperature in a closed glass greenhouse or an incubator of some kind.
28 Aug, 2010
Someone has told me it might have been grey mould. I have chopped up the plants and put them in the garden wheelie bin and thrown away all the tomatoes and have tipped out the compost right at the bottom of the garden which doesn't get used much. The local tip does not accept 'soil' and there was nothing else to do with it. I think I'll give tomatoes a miss next year.
30 Aug, 2010
That would be a shame, they are well worth growing.
30 Aug, 2010
Thank you Moon grower. My neighbour grows them from seed (I think) in his greenhouse and he always gives me some plants. He says as a thankyou for looking after his house and greenhouse when he is on holiday. I've never had any problems before. This year however I planted three of them in one big tub and those are the ones that got the blight. I think maybe they were too crowded.
30 Aug, 2010
You do need to get a lot of air round tomatoes. Our are in a greenhouse but with the door open and glass out at the other end so the air is always moving.
30 Aug, 2010
Don't give up on tomatoes. Blight is very much linked to the weather and wet damp weather often brings it to outdoor tomatoes. In a good warm summer you won't get it.
Either grow your tomatoes under cover (make a simple tunnel out of some polythene and water pipe if you don't have a greenhouse) or spray with Bordeaux mixture from the first fruit set onwards.
30 Aug, 2010
Thank you for your advice Moon Grower and Bertiefox.
31 Aug, 2010
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Casso does this look like blight? Ian Digs has some good pix of blight or simply go to 'B' below and then blight. If it is blight remove the tomatoes that still look okay, destroy the plants, 'bad' tomatoes and the soil from the pots either in your green waste wheelie bin, by taking to the municipal green waste or simply by putting in your wheelie bin. You can ripen the green tomatoes by putting in a paper bag with a ripe banana or make green tomato chutney with them. By the way the earwigs will not have caused a problem.
28 Aug, 2010