By Davefc
Taunton Somerset,
United Kingdom
I have just bought 2 pampass grass from Amazon
both look very healthy I have planted them up in 2 big pots I am wondering if they will need any support or do they cope alright on there own ?
5 Jun, 2018
They don't need supports, they stand up perfectly well on their own, but unless you've bought the dwarf form of pampas,they won't do well in pots for longer than 6 months or so.
5 Jun, 2018
What shape are the pots. The roots could break a pot which is other than straight or sloping out at the top. I agree with the comments above.
6 Jun, 2018
Hi, Pampas grass is a normally arching plant, and when it flowers the flower stalks go upright, but are stout enough to not need any staking, these have a large solid rootball, and get fairly large, so I hope your pots are REALLY BIG, Derek.
5 Jun, 2018