United Kingdom
Is it too late to sow nicotiana alata/whispers
7 Jun, 2018
Thanks and yes I grew lime green a while back but I had been trying for ages to source some really tall white evening scented nicotianas I had bought as plugs once.....They grew to about 4ft after much searching I found alata which I now guess is a very varied group as the seeds I sourced says up to 1.5 metres so I'm hoping they are the same ones buy fear that it's a bit late to get them up to that height but will have a go
8 Jun, 2018
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No, it's not too late. Go to it. They will bloom in about 10 weeks which is end of July or start of August if you sow them now. You're good. Tobacco is a gorgeous plant, but they are very hungry - top shelf fertilizer. Have you seen the one with lime green flowers? It's remarkable!
check out this link:
7 Jun, 2018