By Nariz
Here's a blast from the past! I pop in occasionally to see what you're all up to but life has a way of taking up time with other projects. My question is ... I have successfully grown, from a stick cutting, a new Crimson Cascade climbing rose. I lost the labels indicating which sticks were from which rose so, before realising it was a climber, I planted it in open ground. It's now sending out a 'leader' reaching for the sky. We know it's in the wrong place and would like to move it to its permanent position against a wall ... but when? It's in flower now. Would it be best to wait until October/November after pruning to move it or could it be done now?
11 Jun, 2018
Lovely to see you again Nariz...yes, Bamboo is correct of course. I just wanted to add...I have moved roses at most times of year. Climbers don’t seem as forgiving as shrub roses. If I were you I’d wait till autumn. It will recover a bit more quickly I think.
11 Jun, 2018
Thank you Bamboo and CottageKaren. We think we'll risk it and move it now - particularly as we're having more than enough rainfall recently (bit worried about the man on the opposite mountain building what appears to be a very large boat!), so with our TLC and the relentless rain it should bed in nicely by the wall where we can tie it in.
12 Jun, 2018
Technically you should wait till autumn, but if its not been in the ground long, say a couple of months or so, then you could risk it now, provided you can keep it watered.
11 Jun, 2018