By Ladycarol
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Can anyone give me a name of a columner conifer that will be precisely 6 to 8 ft when matured. Because I don't want to spoil it's shape by cutting the top off after several years. But it must reach at least 6ft.
19 Jun, 2018
You're a bit stuck there - all will either have a mature height greater than you desire, or won't reach the height you want. what most people do is pick a slow growing columnar one which, whilst it might eventually make 10 feet, will take 15 years to do it, and when it gets too big, take it out and replace. Taxus baccata Fastigiata, for instance, will eventually make 15 feet, but will still only be 6 feet after 10 years.
19 Jun, 2018
Dwarf Conifer Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana Ellwoodii. Though not a conifer I have to mention Orange Rocket Barberry - it's such a head turner.
19 Jun, 2018