By Joanairey
United Kingdom
Hi all!
I have a query about my Pentland Javelin and Charlottes. I know they are first and second earlies respectively. I have been informed that I should harvest the former about mid July, 15 weeks from when they went in. However, it seems I should do the same with the Charlottes, in which case why are they called first and second if they are harvested at the same time?
19 Jun, 2018
Thanks Bulbaholic! Will give this a try.
20 Jun, 2018
Yes! I agree! The only way to tell if your tatties are ready is to look at them! :) enjoy. I haven’t grown any this year.
20 Jun, 2018
Thanks Cottagekarer!
20 Jun, 2018
To some extent harvesting depends on the weather so if the earlies are delayed a bit by poor weather the seconds could well be cropping at the same time.
20 Jun, 2018
Thanks Steragram. We have been having brilliant weather but no rain! What about the main crop. I have Desiree and King Eds. These are much taller than the earlies.
22 Jun, 2018
I've not grown main crop, sorry!
22 Jun, 2018
Thanks anyway Steragram!
22 Jun, 2018
Previous question
« Hi all, I've started these seeds of Lupins do I put them in the ground now or...
Forget the 15Scrape around the roots of one of the first earlies and if you think that they are large enough for you to enjoy then start harvesting them. When you have finished the first earlies do the same for the second earlies. If the first earlies were not large enough then cover them up again.
19 Jun, 2018