By Rosiegrow
United Kingdom
I cult down two climbing roses and they have grown really well, been feeding them and very healthy but no buds. I cut them down to just over soiled level. Does this mean they will now not flower. There are seven leaves on and not five. Other than that it looks so healthy. Thankyou
23 Jun, 2018
It depends on the variety, Rosie. Some modern climbing hybrids will bloom on new growth, but most bloom better when they have a permanent structure to build on, and practically all heirloom climbers will only bloom on 1-3 year old wood. The two blooming patterns require different pruning strategies.
24 Jun, 2018
I wonder if you cut the flowering named rose off and have been left with the root stock. this could mean that you have a briar rose growing now. can you add a photo of the new growth from the main stem? 7 leaflets suggest briar [suckers]
feeding will mean foliage and not as much in the way of flowers.
24 Jun, 2018
Thankyou I look forward to your reply.
23 Jun, 2018