United Kingdom
tree for small garden happy in acid soil no more than 15ft high
Asked from the GoYpedia
acid soil plants page
29 Aug, 2010
I'd suggest some or the Rowans, Sorbus aucuparia Joseph Rock or Sorbus cashmiriana both of which have wonderful berries in autumn.
29 Aug, 2010
I'd go for Amelanchier 'Ballerina' from Ilex's list above - it'll be more the size you want too, and it is a beauty.
29 Aug, 2010
And my suggestion would be Cornus kousa var.chinensis.
It has a pleasing shape and in early summer showy creamy white flower bracts that fade to pink. In autumn the dark green leaves turn crimson-purple and mature trees produce strawberry-like fruits. It likes fertile, well-drained, neutral to acid soil.
I'm working my way towards getting one - in about 2015 on the garden clearance schedule.
29 Aug, 2010
Previous question
Hi Guest,
Lots of really lovely options, but my top 12 small trees for acid soil would be:
1. Stewartia pseudocamellia
2. Acer griseum
3. Cornus nuttallii hybrids ('Ascona', 'Eddie's White Wonder' etc.)
4. Arbutus x andrachnoides
5. Magnolia wilsonii
6. Clethra arborea if you have a really mild garden or C. delavayi if not.
7. Rhododendron falconeri
8. Acer x conspicuum 'Phoenix'
9. Styrax japonicus 'Pink Chimes'
10. Acer palmatum var. linearilobum
11. Staphylea holocarpa var. rosea
12. Amelachier 'Ballerina'
29 Aug, 2010