By Follyann
United Kingdom
Hi, Regarding the FOX ? or as you say could be any animal I put the compost back and the couple of little withering lobelia back in the pot and the following day the same thing, all dug up again so my husband suggested leave it like that for a couple of days and probably the animal will leave it alone. So I’m doing that, hopefully it might work. Thanks for all your suggestions everyone anymore will be gratefully read..Thanks.
2 Jul, 2018
Previous question
I have a cottage allotment garden and I have a fox den under my compost area but they still like to try and make other dens and I often find plants up rooted, it was quite funny yesterday as it sornted up my path with a whopping cheese burger in its mouth, it stopped briefly to look at me and a slice of cheese dropped out, it soon picked it up and off it went, it’s great to have nature so close and I let them get by just like us.
2 Jul, 2018