By Glamper
United Kingdom
Hi, my cordyline has gone mad this year ,loads of side shoots up the main trunk and base shoots , just want to know do I leave it alone or do I remove them !!
13 Jul, 2018
One or two shoots isn't abnormal, but lots of shoots from the base or lower stem can indicate the plant is stressed - is it in a pot or in the ground? Any chance of a photo?
13 Jul, 2018
Well ....if I remove some of the side shoots and replant them , are the likely to take ?? I've had success with the Base shoots as they have some roots on. Cheers 😊
17 Jul, 2018
Very unlikely without root material attached, but if you're cutting them off anyway, worth a try if you've spare compost.
17 Jul, 2018
Hi, welcome to GoY, it depends on whether you want 1 trunk, straight up and down, or you want a more bushy plant, I personally like them better when they're bushy, so you can either take them off, or leave alone, the choice is yours, Derek.
13 Jul, 2018