By Ianplant
United Kingdom
5yrs growth and no flowers at all, but this gorgeous weather has now produced one flower, white with pink line. You can see from pics how fit it is and I can now say it has flowered, the wife has lifted her instruction to remove it.
Is it a MAGNOLIA??????

24 Jul, 2018
Certain varieties, such as Sweetbay Magnolia never put out a huge flush of flowers all at once, but just a few sporadically throughout the whole growing season. If this is Sweetbay aka Magnolia Virginiana they are considered wetland plants and are difficult to keep in a pot.
24 Jul, 2018
Definitely a magnolia. Is it in a pot or in the ground?
Don't prune it except for any dead wood.
30 Jul, 2018
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« On 22 July 2018 at 17:00, Dorcas Cosgrove <> wrote: hi...
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I would say its a magonila and there are several questions. In one picture it looks as though some pruning has been going on. If you are going to prune then early in the season after flowing (you would have had to guess by the flowering of nearby magnolias). Looks like it is still in the container. They will often have a second flowering in summer which is what you have although only one. So, if you have fed it; exactly with what? I would feed now, and a few times with something high in potassium. Suphate of Potash would be best or tomato fertiliser only.
24 Jul, 2018