United Kingdom
Please help find an appropriate climber.
Reproducing my earlier question. I am building an eco house where the following situation will exist.
A south and an east facing wall constructed of dark blue bricks will have 25mm stainless steel mesh attached 50 mm off the walls to create a climber frame some 500mm wide and 4.00m high.
I need a suitable climber to grow up these frames which provides colour and which won't leave nothing but bare vines when the leaves fall off. Any suggestions?
30 Aug, 2010
50 cm isn't very wide Ilexaltclarensis, however, an attractive potential to consider could be Jasminium officionale 'Fiona Sunrise' that tends to hold its leaves over most of the winter especially if sheltered. The golden foliage will look great against the blue background. It also produces scented white flowers in summer.
30 Aug, 2010
I remember your original question - I asked you what part of the country this house was in. I was thinking of Trachleospermum jasminoides, but it does rather depend on the local climate.
Just found your other post saying East Midlands. It'll be okay to use Trachleospermum, but suggest you wait and plant it in Spring, give it a chance to settle in. Its evergreen, pretty well behaved and has scented white flowers in summer.
31 Aug, 2010
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some of the very nice ivies would fit the bill. then there are the evergreen clematis that flower late winter very early spring. There is also a winter honeysuckle that keeps its leaves. winter beauty I think.
30 Aug, 2010