United Kingdom
Can some people out there recommend the best value/reliable irrigation drip system as I got low pressure..... on looking at reviews it's hard to determine a good one as they get mixed reviews and if it will work ok when I'm away I don't want a disaster
1 Aug, 2018
Hi, I've never used an irrigation system at home, but if your water pressure is below 9 litres per minute, you should get in touch with your water company, I used to have low water pressure, and when the whole avenue complained, we were told that an underground pump, which is supposed to detect low pressure, wasn't working, and hadn't been working for years, but they had done nothing about it, because it was a big, expensive job, after it was done, I could run the shower, turn on taps elsewhere, and flush the toilet without affecting the shower, maybe you have a similar problem, Derek.
2 Aug, 2018
I have a old metal 1960s pipe that runs from the metre in the road underground to the house across the front garden would be expensive to replace so for now I manage but outside tap is slow but thought a drip system would be fine as I know people that just use gravity fed systems from water butts
2 Aug, 2018
we have a system that is on a timer and the brand name escapes me. I think it might be Hozelock but not 100% certain if that helps and it is in all the garden centres. its in our greenhouse down both sides [20x10ft] but our water pressure is average.
2 Aug, 2018