By Tyke_uk
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Just wondering if anyone could give me a few pointers on why my bay trees are suddenly turning yellow? They are well established and had them a number of years,without a hitch then suddenly turning yellow. May be because of the long hot summer any advice would be appreciated, thanks

2 Aug, 2018
Many thanks for that . Am i best waiting for spring to repot ? And if so what’s best thing to feed them on until then cheers.
2 Aug, 2018
personally as they are evergreens I would repot now . gently tease the tangled roots and plant to the same depth [soil mark on the stem as a guide] and keep well watered. I'd also put slow release fertilizer granules in with the compost.
2 Aug, 2018
Brilliant many thanks 👍
3 Aug, 2018
Hi, I agree with Seaburngirls advice, Derek.
4 Aug, 2018
Hi, if they have been in the same pots for years, it's probably time to put them into larger pots, the roots will probably be running round and round the pots looking for nutrients and water, and probably isn't getting enough of either to sustain a shrub of that size, evergreens do lose some leaves every year, just not all at once like deciduous shrubs but usually from lower down the trunk, so I think a larger pot, with some fresh compost will do the trick, and remember to give it plenty of water, Derek.
2 Aug, 2018